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PCA is performed using add_factors.



  newcols = NULL,
  k = 2,
  method = "pca",
  labels = TRUE,
  clean = TRUE,



A dataframe.


A tidy selection of item columns.

        If the first column already contains a pca result from \link{add_factors},
        the result is used. Other parameters are ignored.

        If there is no pca result yet, it is calculated by \link{add_factors} first.


Names of the new factor columns as a character vector. Must be the same length as k or NULL. Set to NULL (default) to automatically build a name from the common column prefix, prefixed with "fct_", postfixed with the factor number.


Number of factors to calculate. Set to NULL to report eigenvalues for all components up to the number of items and automatically choose k. Eigenvalues and the decision on k are calculated by psych::fa.parallel.


The method as character value. Currently, only pca is supported.


If TRUE (default) extracts labels from the attributes, see codebook.


Prepare data by data_clean.


Placeholder to allow calling the method with unused parameters from tab_metrics.


A volker list with with three volker tabs: loadings, variances and diagnostics.


ds <- volker::chatgpt

volker::factor_tab(ds, starts_with("cg_adoption"), k = 3)
#> |Expectations                                                | Component 1| Component 2| Component 3| communality|
#> |:-----------------------------------------------------------|-----------:|-----------:|-----------:|-----------:|
#> |ChatGPT has clear advantages compared to similar offerings. |         0.1|         0.9|         0.0|         0.8|
#> |Using ChatGPT brings financial benefits.                    |         0.5|         0.5|         0.3|         0.6|
#> |Using ChatGPT is advantageous in many tasks.                |         0.2|         0.8|         0.0|         0.7|
#> |Compared to other systems, using ChatGPT is more fun.       |         0.2|         0.8|         0.0|         0.7|
#> |Much can go wrong when using ChatGPT.                       |        -0.1|        -0.2|         0.8|         0.7|
#> |There are legal issues with using ChatGPT.                  |         0.2|         0.2|         0.6|         0.5|
#> |The security of user data is not guaranteed with ChatGPT.   |         0.1|         0.1|         0.7|         0.6|
#> |Using ChatGPT could bring personal disadvantages.           |         0.2|        -0.1|         0.7|         0.6|
#> |In my environment, using ChatGPT is standard.               |         0.9|         0.2|         0.0|         0.8|
#> |Almost everyone in my environment uses ChatGPT.             |         0.8|         0.2|         0.1|         0.7|
#> |Not using ChatGPT is considered being an outsider.          |         0.7|         0.0|         0.3|         0.6|
#> |Using ChatGPT brings me recognition from my environment.    |         0.8|         0.2|         0.0|         0.6|
#> 4 missing case(s) omitted.
#> |Component   | Eigenvalue| Proportion of variance| Cumulative proportion of variance|
#> |:-----------|----------:|----------------------:|---------------------------------:|
#> |Component 1 |        3.0|                    0.3|                               0.3|
#> |Component 2 |        2.5|                    0.2|                               0.5|
#> |Component 3 |        2.2|                    0.2|                               0.6|
#> |Test          |                Statistic|  value|
#> |:-------------|------------------------:|------:|
#> |KMO Test      |                    Cases|     97|
#> |KMO Test      |                Variables|     12|
#> |KMO Test      | Cases-to-Variables Ratio|   8.08|
#> |KMO Test      |              Overall MSA|   0.74|
#> |Bartlett Test |              Chi-squared| 463.54|
#> |Bartlett Test |                       df|     66|
#> |Bartlett Test |                        p|  0.000|
#> |Bartlett Test |                    stars|    ***|