Variable labels are extracted from their comment or label attribute. Variable values are extracted from factor levels, the labels attribute, numeric or boolean attributes.
A tibble with the columns:
item_name: The column name.
item_group: First part of the column name, up to an underscore.
item_class: The last class value of an item (e.g. numeric, factor).
item_label: The comment attribute of the column.
value_name: In case a column has numeric attributes, the attribute names.
value_label: In case a column has numeric attributes or T/F-attributes, the attribute values. In case a column has a levels attribute, the levels.
#> # A tibble: 94 × 6
#> item_name item_group item_class item_label value_name value_label
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 case case numeric case NA NA
#> 2 sd_age sd numeric Age NA NA
#> 3 cg_activities cg character Activities with C… NA NA
#> 4 adopter adopter factor Innovator type I try new… I try new …
#> 5 adopter adopter factor Innovator type I try new… I try new …
#> 6 adopter adopter factor Innovator type I wait un… I wait unt…
#> 7 adopter adopter factor Innovator type I only us… I only use…
#> 8 adopter adopter factor Innovator type [no answe… [no answer]
#> 9 sd_gender sd factor Gender female female
#> 10 sd_gender sd factor Gender male male
#> # ℹ 84 more rows