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The test is calculated using stats::shapiro.test.


effect_metrics_items(data, cols, labels = TRUE, clean = TRUE, ...)



A tibble containing item measures.


The column holding metric values.


If TRUE (default) extracts labels from the attributes, see codebook.


Prepare data by data_clean.


Placeholder to allow calling the method with unused parameters from effect_metrics.


A volker table containing item statistics


data <- volker::chatgpt

effect_metrics_items(data, starts_with("cg_adoption"))
#> |Expectations                                                | skewness| kurtosis| W-statistic| p value| stars|  normality|
#> |:-----------------------------------------------------------|--------:|--------:|-----------:|-------:|-----:|----------:|
#> |ChatGPT has clear advantages compared to similar offerings. |    -0.51|    -0.05|        0.89|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |Using ChatGPT brings financial benefits.                    |     0.09|    -1.00|        0.90|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |Using ChatGPT is advantageous in many tasks.                |    -0.76|    -0.02|        0.86|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |Compared to other systems, using ChatGPT is more fun.       |    -0.66|     0.43|        0.86|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |Much can go wrong when using ChatGPT.                       |     0.12|    -0.85|        0.91|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |There are legal issues with using ChatGPT.                  |     0.07|    -0.66|        0.90|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |The security of user data is not guaranteed with ChatGPT.   |     0.22|    -0.61|        0.89|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |Using ChatGPT could bring personal disadvantages.           |     0.33|    -0.65|        0.91|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |In my environment, using ChatGPT is standard.               |     0.39|    -0.68|        0.90|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |Almost everyone in my environment uses ChatGPT.             |     0.56|    -0.51|        0.88|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |Not using ChatGPT is considered being an outsider.          |     1.08|     0.22|        0.79|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> |Using ChatGPT brings me recognition from my environment.    |     0.57|    -0.77|        0.87|   0.000|   ***| not normal|
#> 4 missing case(s) omitted.